What is shame? How can you tell how it manifests for you?
Treating others as we wish to be treated is a piece of advice that we are regularly told as children. This can be a very positive viewpoint on how to treat family, friends, and even strangers. But what if we delve deeper into examining our self-conscious emotions and...
6 Benefits of Online Counselling
Throughout our lives we all face challenges that affect our mental health. How we cope with those challenges can vary from person to person. Some may seek the comfort of their loved ones, solitude in the great outdoors, or take up a hobby to help improve their mental...
Ways That a Rough Childhood Can Affect Adult Relationships
As adults we often forget about how impressionable children’s minds can be. They are always watching, replicating, and learning from those around them. In fact, according to Healthline Parenthood, the most crucial milestones in a kid’s life occur by the age of 7....
Coping strategies for dealing with natural disasters/pandemics
Natural disasters can drastically change the way we live our lives. Our once “normal” day-to-day routines are suddenly disturbed and we must find an alternative way to continue with our daily lives. Whether it is a weather phenomenon such as a flood, tornado, or...
How to support yourself during times of social isolation
What the current Pandemic has taught many of us is, isolation is not easy for everyone. To ensure the public remains safe from Covid-19, and the spread of the virus is slowed down, we as a global community were asked to stay in self-isolation. Of course, for many who...
Impulses: How do you deal with resisting impulses?
As humans, we are designed to seek out basic needs such as food, water, warmth, and rest. Nothing outlines this human behaviour better than Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. At our fundamental base of humanity, we act on the impulse of meeting our basic needs. We do not...
Values: How to identify your 3 core values and how this helps with your recovery journey
What makes us who we are? Not who we are physically, but who we are as individuals. Some may state that their religious beliefs guide them to establishing their characteristics, others may say their families shaped who they have become. When it comes to counselling,...
Stigma in Counselling: What is it and how can we overcome it?
We often turn to counselling when we are going through a difficult time in our lives. These difficulties can include needing help with addiction recovery and suicide prevention, as well as other symptoms that disrupt our lives, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD....
Emotions & Grief: 5 reactions you may not have expected
Losing a loved one is hard enough for anyone, but such a loss can trigger relapses for individuals recovering from addiction. If we can understand the reactions that may happen during the grief stage, we may be able to stop a relapse in its tracks. How can we help...
5 Ways to FINALLY stick to your New Years Resolutions
We are on the verge of a new decade! 2020 is almost here, and now is the time where we can start planning some healthy New Year’s resolutions. Of course, you never have to wait until New Years to change your life; if you want to do so, you can start TODAY. We invite...
Grief & Loss: A deeper look into grief and loss during the recovery process
WHAT IS GRIEF AND LOSS? Most people suffer loss and grief at some point in their lives. When a loved one passes away, we have to learn how to live without that person and continue to live in positive and healthy ways. Grieving is the process that we go through when we...
Forgiveness: What does forgiveness mean to you?
WHAT IS FORGIVENESS? Forgiveness is letting go of negative feelings you are harbouring towards someone who has hurt you. Sometimes the bad feelings are replaced with neutral feelings, and sometimes with positive feelings. When you forgive someone, you don’t...