Contact Email: Phone: 1 (866) 295-0551 FollowFollowFollow Step 1 of 2 50% The information you provide here is important for selecting the most suitable counsellor. However, it should be noted that we cannot promise the fulfillment of all your preferences, as numerous factors are considered when matching counsellors with clients. However, We will try to align the chosen counsellor as closely as possible to your preferences.* Ok We are a digital counselling agency and do not provide in person sessions. Are you able to attend sessions online?* Yes Please let us know what type of counselling you're seeking, and for whom you are seeking that counselling.* Individual for myself Individual for myself and individual for someone else Individual for someone else Couples Counselling Family Counselling Please state who else you are seeking counselling for*Please state who you are seeking counselling for*Please list your partners' full name(s), email address(s), and phone number(s)*Please list your family members' full name(s), email address(s), and phone number(s)*Reason for seeking services*Where did you hear about us?*Please pick an option from the dropdown menuCounselling Professional (Counsellor, Social Worker, Support Worker etc.)Insurance (Blue Cross, Sun Life, Telus Health etc)Legal Professional (Lawyer, Probation Officer etc.)Medical Professional (Doctor, Nurse etc.)Psychology Today WebsiteSocial Media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube)Strength Counselling StaffStrength Counselling WebsiteTrans Care BCTreatment Centre (Addiction/Mental Health)Victim ServicesWord of mouth (friends/family etc.)OtherIf known, what is their name?If known, which insurance company?If known, what is their name?If known, what is their name?If known, which Social Media Platform?If known, what is their name?If known, what is its name?Please specify where you heard about us What is your first name?*What is your last name or initial?*What is your email address?* What is your phone number?*The messages you will receive via email and text will be specific to your client file with us and will contain only relevant information about your client file. We will not send you any advertising material or any promotional material. You can unsubscribe from either text messages or email messages at anytime. Please check the box below if you consent to receive email and text message correspondence from us.* Yes, I agree What approach do you prefer from your counsellor?* Softer approach Firmer approach Somewhere in between No Preference Counsellor Gender Preference* Male Female Non-Binary No Preference Preferred day(s) and time(s) of appointment.*Do you know anyone who is a current, or was a past, client of ours?* Yes No If possible, please share their name and if you know who they are working/worked with.hCaptcha