We are on the verge of a new decade! 2020 is almost here, and now is the time where we can start planning some healthy New Year’s resolutions. Of course, you never have to wait until New Years to change your life; if you want to do so, you can start TODAY. We invite you to consider the things you want to achieve and realize that you can do that in any moment, any day, any time. But, in the spirit of New Years, we wanted to provide you with some tips! According to recent research, only about 8% of us are successful at achieving our resolutions regardless of whether or not we have achieved previous resolutions in the past. That seems like a really low number! But… we can change that by following through with our resolutions, especially if they will make our lives healthier and happier. The majority of the population makes resolutions about eating healthier, cutting out alcohol, exercising more, saving more and spending less money, quitting smoking, reading more, finding a new job, and spending more time with friends and family. Whatever your resolutions are, here are some ways to help you stick with them:


HAVING CLEAR GOALS: Saying you will eat healthier in 2020 is just too vague. You have to get specific; for example, by telling yourself “I will eat fruits and vegetables every single day this year”. The more specific your goal is, the easier it will be to visualize achieving it. You can even write it down in a journal or check it off on a list every day. You can make plans to cut and wash all your produce right after you come home from the grocery store every week to assist you in achieving a goal like this. 


HAVE A PRIMARY RESOLUTION: If you make a lot of resolutions for one year, you actually lessen your chances of success. It might be too much for you to handle all at once. Change can be difficult. You might have to be more specific with ONE resolution. For example, if you have resolutions to eat healthier, to stop smoking, and to spend less money, it may be too much attempted change at once. Most often, you will be more successful once you achieve one goal, as you may find it easier and be more motivated to knock others off your list after that. Building up momentum one goal at a time is a great way to support gradual, lasting change!


HAVE A SUPPORT SYSTEM: It can be hard to do big things alone! You may choose to have a close, non-judgemental friend or family member to help motivate you, encourage you, and assist you in achieving your goals. Perhaps you can support them with their resolution goals as well. Having someone in your corner always helps. You could create an agreement with them that you will call or text them if you’re feeling concerned you may break your resolution. If your resolution is recovery related and you don’t want to get a friend or family member involved, you can always join a group for support! Did you know that you don’t even have to leave your home to join such a group? You can connect with us here for more information. 


HAVE A GOOD PLAN FOR POSSIBLE SETBACKS: Things happen, and keeping that in your awareness can better prepare you for the fact that setbacks may happen along your journey to achieving your goals. It’s important to realize that we are human and that it isn’t necessary to throw in the towel on your resolution just because you had a minor setback. For example, if you’re trying exercise daily and you get a bad cold and have to skip a couple of days, that does not mean you have to go back to not exercising at all. Notice how far you have come, and how one or two days (or even a week…) is not going to make a difference in your overall goal to exercise more often. Get back in the routine as soon as you’re feeling better. Don’t give up! It is important to find balance between achieving and sticking to your resolutions and not being too hard on yourself while you do. Remember that it is so important to be kind to yourself! What would you say to a friend who was struggling with their resolution? We want to offer ourselves that kind of compassion! Create a plan around what you will do if you have a setback in advance, write it out and come back to it if needed. For example, your goal is to stop smoking and you have gone a week without it, but you find yourself outside with one of your friends at work during a 5 minute smoke break… you can plan to have some gum on hand to keep yourself busy and ward off any smoking cravings. 


CHOOSING NOT TO GIVE UP: It can be very mentally challenging, but it is important to hold yourself accountable to the resolutions and goals you have made this new year. Just because most people don’t follow through on their goals, doesn’t mean you will be lumped into that statistic. Dare to be different! It’s natural and ok to feel discouraged if you’ve had a bad day or two, but you can still look at the resolution as an overall improvement to your life — even if it’s not perfectly executed every single day of the year. Having the mindset of picking up where you left off, even if you experience failure along the way is the key to sticking to your New Year’s resolutions! 


If you are looking to be empowered to reach your goals in 2020, you can check us out at Strength Counselling Services. If you’re looking for support, here are the services we offer:

  • Continuing Care Groups: We provide a seamless continuum of recovery support for individuals who have recently completed an inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment program. 
  • Recovering Families Groups: Recovering Families is designed for individuals who have been impacted by a loved one’s addiction. This option is available via self-referral as well as from respective addiction treatment programs. At Strength we understand that addiction is a family disease. Family members are encouraged to seek support for their own recovery and healing.
  • Strength Connect! Groups: It is our hope to create a dependable and supportive atmosphere where individuals can connect authentically and honestly with one another. Here, individuals are invited to bring to light any issues they are struggling with and will be supported in their resolution.
  • Individual E-Counselling: This accessible and comfortable counselling service is offered through confidential, online video conferencing. We welcome you to visit the feedback section of our website, where previous and current clients address their experiences with e-counselling. This service may be helpful for those who:
  • Wish to remain in their own homes while addressing their concerns
  • Live in remote areas
  • Work in areas where counselling services are not available
  • Travel frequently
  • Struggle with social anxiety
  • Suffer from physical or mental health issues that prevent them from leaving home
  • Are burdened by commuting to see a counsellor
  • Do not have flexibility in their schedule to physically meet with a counsellor
  • Find securing childcare as a barrier to receiving services


  • Relationship Consultation: Are you finding that your efforts and ability to create and sustain relationships are ineffective? Whether this is due to external circumstances, such as societal expectations and norms; issues with a limited number of candidates that suit you; limited availability or internal barriers, such as low self-confidence; little knowledge of dating norms; or fear of rejection, the solution can be found through relationship consultation. We will help you learn how to become effective in your pursuit of a partner and how to successfully build and maintain the relationship you desire.
  • Nutrition and Fitness Consultations: Our resident nutrition and fitness expert will be available to help with your fitness and nutrition goals. 


More Information About Our Groups:

All of our groups are cost effective and facilitated to fit your schedule. You can attend weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Meeting dates and times are emailed in advance for scheduling convenience. This service is offered through an online interface that provides a secure, password protected space. All of our specialized groups are facilitated by our team of clinicians and social workers who are trained in addiction recovery and codependency. 

You can learn more about us here on our website or you can email us for more information at info@strengthcounselling.ca




