Dec 7, 2020 | Anxiety, Counselling, Self-Care, Stress, Work
No matter the individual, we have all faced anxiety and stressful situations throughout our lives. From children to the elderly, everyone hasfelt these emotions. It is normal to feel nervous, anxious, on edge, frightened, or worried. And although these feelings are...
Sep 3, 2020 | Counselling, Family Support, Relationships, Resolutions, Trauma
Throughout our lives we all face challenges that affect our mental health. How we cope with those challenges can vary from person to person. Some may seek the comfort of their loved ones, solitude in the great outdoors, or take up a hobby to help improve their mental...
Jan 24, 2020 | Addiction & Mental Health, Continuing Care, Counselling, Family Support, Grief, Relationships, Trauma
Losing a loved one is hard enough for anyone, but such a loss can trigger relapses for individuals recovering from addiction. If we can understand the reactions that may happen during the grief stage, we may be able to stop a relapse in its tracks. How can we help...
Jul 4, 2019 | Addiction & Mental Health, Continuing Care, Family Support
Anxiety and addiction seem to go hand in hand. Many people who have anxiety use drinking or mood altering substances as a coping mechanism. For example, someone with social anxiety could start drinking at parties to feel more comfortable being around other people. Or...